Thursday, 6 June 2013

In The News........

So...108 youths got ejected from a 'plane in the US for not sitting, and not turning off mobiles and, because they happen to be Jewish and go to a Jewish school, it's racist. Well, i sincerely hope they have been shown the overwhelming number of comments generated as a result of this 'news' story (548 in the UK's Daily Mail alone)  and nearly all of them are in support of the Airline. I hope they all feel suitably ashamed, although given the normal attitude of youths in general today, I doubt it.

A Lazy unemployed 37 year-old father of 7 has just spent £2,500  on a 3d tv from his family's benefits and the family has been featured on Channel 4's programme 'Skint'. I hope the DHSS is now going to watch this guy like a hawk, and stick with him wherever he ventures. You can almost guarantee that he's up to no good somewhere along the line. Cynical..... maybe I am, but I've been around the block a few times in my 60 years, and not always on the right side of the line. Trust me... He's up to something.

Another child dies needlessly. A 10 year-old died after being accidentally shot in the chest whilst playing in a garage in an apartment complex in California. How many children have to die in America in this way before they wake up and change the gun laws? The owners of this handgun should be charged with murder and incarcerated for a very long time for being so stupid as to allow this to happen, and the most stringent new laws need to be introduced to combat this growing menace.

In a related story, a 20 year old, who had been in and out of mental hospitals for years, was able to buy an assault rifle in a Walmart store in Missouri. He had a history of attempting murder. How can this happen?
Luckily, his parents found the receipt for the gun, and, knowing his problems, turned him in to the Police.

Global Warming vs Sustainable energy.
Local councils in the UK can now ask local residents for their opinions before even considering planning applications for wind farms.
Prospective wind farm builders may as well just close up shop, because with the short-sighted attitude of most 'NIMBY' (Not In My Backyard) locals in the windiest, and therefore most suitable, locations they will never give another approval.
Unlike most other sources of fuel, coal mines, oil refineries, solar farms even peat bogs, the land in and around a wind farm is still usable, and although the turbines themselves may impact on a skyline view, they are, aside from a mild hum, quiet and clean and provide a source of electricity that is cost effective and environmentally friendly.
Wake up NIMBY's, and think of future generations instead of just yourselves for a change.

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