Sunday, 16 June 2013

Weekly Comment......

Call Mulder and Scully!
A Best Western hotel in North Carolina has ended up with a not so good rep after three people have been found dead in the same room within two months.

An elderly couple were found dead in the room in April, and this latest incident, last saturday involves an 11 year old boy and his 49 year-old mother who was found alive but injured. Police are investigating, but can find nothing to link the two incidents. The boy's cause of death has not yet been established.

One of my pet hates. Giving convicted felons any rights or privileges. If anybody, male, female, young or old
is convicted of any crime worthy of a prison sentence, then they give up any rights they may have had previously.

So how comes a bunch of convicts on their way to court to testify in another case can claim, on legal aid, for whiplash injuries after two prison vans bumped into each other? Even worse is that four prison officers went to hospital as a result of the incident, yet eleven are claiming for whiplash injuries... strange. 

Watch out! The Nannies are back!
The We-can't-enjoy-ourselves-so-why-should-anyone-else brigade are back, this time with the crackpot idea to ban all alcohol advertising from sport, cinema, television, etc. This is, they say, to stop young people from becoming 'brand aware' before they come of age, or some such tripe.

I say that a sure fire way of encouraging an impressionable youngster to try something is to ban it.
The precedents exist in all spheres in the last 30 years.
The nanny BBC bans a record from their programmes - it shoots to No.1 with record sales.
The nanny government bans offshore 'free' radio - listener figures soar to new highs.
Cigarette advertising banned in sports - No significant difference.

From my own limited research, the ban on cigarette advertising did nothing to encourage anybody to stop,
it was peer pressure, (the same peer pressure that started many smoking in the first place) health issues and social unacceptability that caused the people I've asked about it, to stop.

And that's not to mention the thousands of people whose jobs would be at risk in the advertising world if firms lose big and lucrative contracts. But that's OK, because the overpaid, un-necessary nannies will still have their jobs and they can move on to spend more public cash on another rubbish project

It has emerged, via Sky News, that every household in the UK is around £4500 a year worse off because of local authority and government spending on crackpot schemes.

The Taxpayers Alliance has produced a free book 'Bumper Book Of Government Waste' available for download at Makes interesting reading.

Like Lancashire County Council spent £40,000 setting up a 20mph zone villagers in Lancashire didn’t want. There were hardly any accidents recorded in Longton, near Preston, yet the County Council still pressed ahead with the scheme.

Like Cotswold Council spent £19,000 on a 'motivational magician' to improve staff morale.

Like An arts council grant of £92,000 in Brighton for a skip decorated with yellow lights.

Altogether during 2011-12 the TPA identified £120 billion worth of waste. Criminal I call it.

Protesters filled the streets in Brasilia this week to protest over the high cost of building venues for the 2014 World Cup. Whilst I do admit it is prestigious for a country to host the games, building stadiums for
 $600 million that will rarely be used afterward does seem a bit extravagant. Protesters have a point when they say that public money that could build schools and hospitals is being used and it is grossly unfair.

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