Legal Aid...

There is definitely something wrong with a legal system that allows confessed, tried and convicted killers to challenge the Judge's sentencing in the first place. But to allow them to pay for the services of lawyers and barristers with legal aid is bordering on total madness. We can only hope that any appeal is denied for this man, Michael Adebolajo, who walked the streets of London carrying a knife and a machete in order to cut down and viciously murder a soldier, Lee Rigby. The astonishing thing is that he didn't run, or try to hide, he flaunted his actions, calmly speaking to passers by as he waited for the police to come to arrest him. If for any reason he manages to get an appeal, and some reduction is made to his whole life sentence, then those do-gooders that facilitate that, one would hope, will be outcasts in society and pilloried by everyone that they know.
Windows XP...

So, after 12 years Microsoft has decided to cease support and security updates for one of their best ever efforts, XP. It comes as no surprise I suppose, after all, they have released three operating systems since XP,Vista, Windows 7 and Windows 8, (plenty of thought went into those names, obviously!) and in an effort to get yet more of our hard earned, they had to stop supporting the older brother sometime. I'm still firmly entrenched in 7, although I did cling on to XP for a good while, only a disastrous crash meant a complete rebuild and the machine came back with 7 installed. Who am I to argue.
Just a short while ago I tried Linux, hey, it's free and I thought I'd be able to break away from windows forever. Unfortunately, things are never that simple. I just could not get on with Linux. Half of my programs didn't work, I couldn't get Wine( an abstraction layer that runs windows programs on Linux) to work correctly and the free programs I downloaded to replace the windows ones that wouldn't perform weren't a patch on the originals. So it was back to Win 7.
In short, I'll run with 7 until Microsoft decide to be generous and give away a free OS to a poor struggling OAP and wordsmith! It is rumoured that a free lite version of 8.1+Bing will be available this summer, lets see eh?
Pakistan Baby 'Killer'...
Incredible but true. This 9 month old baby was accused, arrested and taken to court in Pakistan for attempted murder. Yes, he was part of a gang that was accused of the attempted murder of the policemen that were sent to break up their demonstration which was to bring attention to the erratic electricity supply in their neighbourhood. When the police arrived the demonstrators apparently started throwing stones at them, which so angered the police that they arrested them all and charged them with attempted murder. Good job none of them had real weapons or the nasty policemen might have got really hurt! Needless to say a top cop and several underlings have been carpeted, and the boy was acquitted and released, seen leaving court with his grandfather.
Conspiracy Theorists....
They are out there somewhere... conspiracy theorists I mean. From the sinking of the Titanic, to the first moon landing, Roswell, Torrey Canyon, Gulf of Mexico, The World Trade Centre 9/11, and now MH370, the list goes on. Wherever and whenever there is a disaster or a great event the conspiracy theorists will be there with their own interpretation of events, and lets face it, some of them are laughable, crackpot ideas that could only have been formed in the mind of some person or persons not in full control of their faculties. Theories still abound claiming that the moon landings were a put up job, filmed in California, Mexico, Florida and various international locations. The 9/11 atrocity was actually carried out by the US military, on the orders of the CIA, who also, by the way, have had a hand in the assassination attempts on every president since Lincoln, the Gulf Oil disaster and Torrey Canyon oil tanker disaster. Aliens, both alive and dead are being kept at Roswell even now, even though no-one actually knows where the facility may be located, although pictures have surfaced from time to time of huge underground caverns, built by, you guessed it, the CIA and of course, the aliens helped with their superior technology because they like it so much they don't want to go home. The Mafia tried to kill the Pope, And MI5 have been linked to bombings, plane and ship disasters and of course spy deaths.

There is definitely something wrong with a legal system that allows confessed, tried and convicted killers to challenge the Judge's sentencing in the first place. But to allow them to pay for the services of lawyers and barristers with legal aid is bordering on total madness. We can only hope that any appeal is denied for this man, Michael Adebolajo, who walked the streets of London carrying a knife and a machete in order to cut down and viciously murder a soldier, Lee Rigby. The astonishing thing is that he didn't run, or try to hide, he flaunted his actions, calmly speaking to passers by as he waited for the police to come to arrest him. If for any reason he manages to get an appeal, and some reduction is made to his whole life sentence, then those do-gooders that facilitate that, one would hope, will be outcasts in society and pilloried by everyone that they know.
Windows XP...

So, after 12 years Microsoft has decided to cease support and security updates for one of their best ever efforts, XP. It comes as no surprise I suppose, after all, they have released three operating systems since XP,Vista, Windows 7 and Windows 8, (plenty of thought went into those names, obviously!) and in an effort to get yet more of our hard earned, they had to stop supporting the older brother sometime. I'm still firmly entrenched in 7, although I did cling on to XP for a good while, only a disastrous crash meant a complete rebuild and the machine came back with 7 installed. Who am I to argue.
Just a short while ago I tried Linux, hey, it's free and I thought I'd be able to break away from windows forever. Unfortunately, things are never that simple. I just could not get on with Linux. Half of my programs didn't work, I couldn't get Wine( an abstraction layer that runs windows programs on Linux) to work correctly and the free programs I downloaded to replace the windows ones that wouldn't perform weren't a patch on the originals. So it was back to Win 7.
In short, I'll run with 7 until Microsoft decide to be generous and give away a free OS to a poor struggling OAP and wordsmith! It is rumoured that a free lite version of 8.1+Bing will be available this summer, lets see eh?
Pakistan Baby 'Killer'...

Conspiracy Theorists....
They are out there somewhere... conspiracy theorists I mean. From the sinking of the Titanic, to the first moon landing, Roswell, Torrey Canyon, Gulf of Mexico, The World Trade Centre 9/11, and now MH370, the list goes on. Wherever and whenever there is a disaster or a great event the conspiracy theorists will be there with their own interpretation of events, and lets face it, some of them are laughable, crackpot ideas that could only have been formed in the mind of some person or persons not in full control of their faculties. Theories still abound claiming that the moon landings were a put up job, filmed in California, Mexico, Florida and various international locations. The 9/11 atrocity was actually carried out by the US military, on the orders of the CIA, who also, by the way, have had a hand in the assassination attempts on every president since Lincoln, the Gulf Oil disaster and Torrey Canyon oil tanker disaster. Aliens, both alive and dead are being kept at Roswell even now, even though no-one actually knows where the facility may be located, although pictures have surfaced from time to time of huge underground caverns, built by, you guessed it, the CIA and of course, the aliens helped with their superior technology because they like it so much they don't want to go home. The Mafia tried to kill the Pope, And MI5 have been linked to bombings, plane and ship disasters and of course spy deaths.
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