Monday, 7 April 2014

April so Soon!

So, here we are already a week into April, and it seems not that long since we were doing Christmas! Here in Cyprus it's starting to warm up nicely, can't wait for summer myself.

In the news....
My heart goes out to the families of the MH370 passengers. Let's hope that the latest 'ping' discovery leads to some answers and maybe some closure for them, any news at this stage is bound to be bad, but its maybe better than no news.
In Pretoria the Pistorius trial continues, and I can't help thinking that this trial, in common with a number of high profile trials of late, UK, Italy, USA, are no more than a stage for the barristers to enhance their reputations. I feel that they don't really care if the accused is guilty or innocent, as long as they win their own particular argument.

Formula 1
It seems the governing body of formula 1 have finally listened to fans and viewers and leveled the field for all teams with the latest rule changes. I remember the days of drivers actually having to drive the car, with a clutch and gearstick and no electronics for brake balance etc, and then it was exciting, although more dangerous, even with maximum speeds of only around 100mph.
It sounds to me like the only team to be chucking their toys is Red Bull, because they have now lost last seasons advantage, and are trailing badly.

Have you noticed lately how protesters, wherever they are in the world, tend to be masked. In my youth protests were quite common, against wars, financial institutions, universities, government, in fact any excuse for a protest. I joined in a few, even though I wasn't directly involved in the 'cause'. The war in Vietnam was perhaps the biggest, and as I then was only about 15, and lived in Dagenham in the UK, the protest was hardly relevant to my somewhat small existence.
The point being, we didn't throw rocks or Molotov cocktails, we didn't, mostly, fight with the police, we carried and waved our banners and placards, we chanted and sang protest songs, and not a Guy Fawkes mask or face covering in sight. Generally protest marches broke up at opening time, where we regaled each other with our tales of derring do over a pint of best bitter! Any news of violence toward the authorities reaching our parents would have resulted in a right hander from dad, and a grounding for a week!
How parenting has changed in the last 60 years!

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